Sunday, October 14, 2012

My father in a mysterious uniform

My father wasn't in the army because he had a bad heart. So what is he doing in these uniforms? He was in the CCC's (Civilian Conservation Corps.). But I don't think they wore uniforms like this. And why would he have a rifle with a bayonet? 

I posted these pictures a while back and I think I asked the same question. Maybe this time someone will come up with an answer.

To see more military uniforms go to


Peter said...

In both pictures there seems to be the same tent in the background. If this is so then both photos may have been made at the same time. It then looks more like a show rather than real life. Looking closely I think the only differences in these photo's are the cap/helmet, the jacket, the bayonet and the necktie. On both shirt collars there is the same mark and the remainder of his clothing is also the same.
But I realize that suggesting that both shots have been made at the same time, is pure speculation, to say the least. I must say that that speculation would never have occurred to me without having read your clarification. Cause (individually) these pictures look very real to me. But I am not a military man...

Wendy said...

Modeling for a pin-up calendar? He's certainly handsome enough.

Jana Iverson Last said...

Quite the mystery. Perhaps he knew someone in the military who let him try on the uniform and take the photos?

Little Nell said...

Well that's intriguing. It certainly looks like some sort of camp. In UK this would have been the Home Guard and they certainly did weapons drill.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Poster Boy for an enlisting campaign?

Unknown said...

I"m with Wendy my vote is pin-up calendar. I was thinking maybe borrowed the clothes for a nice picture, but why would he even be at this location? Do you have any info on the film? You could maybe figure out when the photo was taken (unless you already know that) But knowing the type of camera it came from would be interesting, b/c not everyone had a camera back then and you could then research what kind of documentation was being done with certain cameras.

tony said...

the bayonet looks more scary than the gun itself!

Anonymous said...

My dad was a teenager in the CCC's. He grew up in Boston but his camp was in NH where he worked on building fire roads on the mountain side and also worked on blazing a ski trail. He also had pics in a similar uniform and used to tell drill stories of marching, shooting, and battle. When he turned 18 he transferred from the CCCs to the Army during the war.

Anonymous said...

Those who served in the CCCs were issued uniforms, a cot, a ruck to hold their belongings, and bedding in a barracks or tent (depending upon the climate they were in) and 3 square meals daily. They had weapons training, they wore helmuts during warfare drills. But their main goal was the projects they worked on. The CCC's took men who weren't accepted to other military branches due to age, health or physical conditions. They took homeless men and gave them work and purpose. The took teens from troubled backgrounds and gave them direction and discipline. And the CCC's provided care and upkeep to this country's infrastructure.
So, my guess is, yes, your dad wore that uniform and helmut proudly. He did have battle training because had the war come to the shores of the US, those in the "CCC's might have been put into battle regardless of their personal restrictions. But the work completed by those in the CCC's was their primary purpose and what those who served are most highly remembered for. They did honest work to improve safety in our country. CCC's is a service branch that has long been overlooked, not very well understood, and should be applauded!


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