Monday, June 25, 2012

Zen eucalyptus trees- Diva Challenge # 76

The challenge was to do something using your home (or country, state, city, etc.) as inspiration. I had done this a few weeks ago and it sure fit the challenge.

My long driveway is lined with eucalyptus trees. Some of them were also overhanging the house. That can be very scary in a big wind. I had to have about 5 of them cut down when I first moved in.

I had trouble with them in 2 of my last houses. One of them dropped some big branches on my neighbors garage. They didn't get mad, even though it did a little damage. My gardener removed the branches and fixed the damage. 

I love the looks of them and hated to cut any down. I could almost hear them crying!!!
So this is my memorial to them.


Jennifer C. said...

This is a beautiful ZIA.

Kreanimo said...

Lovely tribute to nature ;)
Lovely tangle

ledenzer said...

Wow, I have to look up eucalyptus to spell it right.....Oh, I would love to see them. I am excited about this challenge because we are going to get not only zia's but stories and I love yours. Thanks for sharing this graceful and beautiful challenge piece!

Dianne said...

This is really awesome!

Debra Castaldi said...

Simply Beautiful!

Susan said...

These are just beautiful! Too bad we can't smell them because that is nice also!

Sue Clark said...

Beautiful work and lovely color!

Lisa Richards said...

Beautiful and graceful trees!

Unknown said...

Somethimes there is a decision to make! I lovely tribute!

Shelly Beauch said...

Your eucalyptus trees are stunningly grand, I love their tangled trunks.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful ZIA

Judi said...

Beautiful, beautiful!

Molly Bee said...

Gorgeous work! Very calming and pure.

Jaye said...

I love your tile! So refreshing...I collect pictures I take of trees...and art work of others that I really like too. Would you mind if I added yours to my collection?

North County Film Club said...

Of course Jay, I'd be honored.
Thank you

North County Film Club said...

Thank you,
Jennifer, Art Lessons, Ledenzer, Dianne, Mainly Tangles, Susan, Sue, Lisa, Joke, Shelly, Amma, Judi, and Molly Bee.
It's wonderful getting compliments from people as talented as you all are.

Anonymous said...

Lovely zia!!!!

Annemarie Huijts said...

What a beautiful ZIA, and I love your description. This is my favorite challenge to date, because I get to learn more about the artists I admire. Thanks for sharing.

Gloria j Zucaro said...

I know I love the smell of eucalyptus but don't think I have ever seen one in person. I do love trees in general and can sympathize with you in having to take so many down. Thank you for sharing your lovely painting and story.

Deb Ammerman said...

Your ZIA is wonderful, it almost has a Art Nouveau feel to it, like something Alphonse Mucha did, or perhaps I am thinking about a Tiffany Stained glass window, I'm not sure, but you did a fabulous job. :)

Dilip Patel said...

I have just returned from the campus where lovely eucalyptus trees were spreading their fragrance. Your rendition of them creates a sense of wonderment!


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