Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Diva challenge # 103- Moebius Syndrome Awareness

Laura's (the Diva) baby, Artoo, has Moebius Syndrome. So our challenge this week is to use the Moebius Syndrome logo as our string.

Thursday, Jan. 24 is Moebius Awareness Day.
Moebius Syndrome is a congenital nerve disorder affecting cranial VI and VII nerves controlling the lateral movement of his face. Moebius is a spectrum disorder - so some cases are more severe than others. Laura says that Artoo's symptoms haven't been too difficult to adjust to.  She and her husband deal with delayed developmental milestones, eating/feeding issues, club feet, low muscle tone - just to name a few things, and of course - being unable to deal with viruses and bacterias, he gets very sick. very fast. 
Not a lot of people know about Moebius Syndrome, which is not surprising given the odds of having a child with Moebius is 1-2:1,000,000

To see more of this challenge go to


  1. I so love your stylish zentangling!

  2. Oh, wow! Mooka is perfect with the ribbon. This is beautiful!

  3. Both are great. But I have to admit that the first one is outstanding. It has such an organic and moving feel. I love that. Well done :)

  4. I have a moebius trick to show you.

  5. Both are great, but I think the first one is stunning!

  6. They're both beautiful but, oh, I just can't resist that top one!!!

  7. I love, love, LOVE both of these, wonderful!!

  8. Wow! These are beautiful! I just love the organic feel of the first one!

  9. Very nice job on both. Great choice of tangles and I like the effect of the background on the second one.
