Saturday, January 19, 2013

Diva Challenge # 102- Auroknot & Bunzo

 This was so much fun I couldn't stop.

To see more go to


  1. You are a busy lady! All four of them look great. I do love what you did on the first with the auraknot, make it look like celtic knots. Love that. In the second one I love how your Bunzo converts to swirls . Your third one, with the aura around the bunzo makes it look like shaking, great effect. And the fourth one has an embracing effect through the mooka. Great tiles all of them :)

  2. Beautiful. You never run out of ideas! I like the vibrating effect also. Did Nancy have to call and make you stop:) My favorite is number 2. It has a naval feel for me..the stripes, the curls and the star, like a starfish.

  3. An amazing display of your beautiful style!

  4. Thank you, Anne. I love "WOWS".
    Thank you, Didisch, for all your wonderful comments. It's so nice of you to take the time to look at every single one.

  5. Helen; No, Nancy wasn't here to stop me, so I kept at it far into the night. Thanks for being such a faithful commenter.

    Thank you so much for all your nice comments.

  6. Just stumbled upon your work while doing some Bunzo research - it's breathtaking! But I'm completely stumped: how did you do the Auraknot variation on the first tile? Is there a step-out you can point me towards?

  7. Hi Becky,
    I'm completely stumped, too. It was quite awhile ago that I did it and I don't remember how. I think I drew the outside outline first and then did the regular Auroknot steps. I'll try it and see.
