Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A wonderful Sunday in Balboa Park

We had planned to meet Marge, Jane, and Jeff to see Pygmalion at the Old Globe in Balboa Park. Marge had gotten us tickets. But, alas, someone in the cast had gotten sick and apparently there was no understudy so there we were stuck in Balboa Park! ... my very favorite place!
First we had lunch in the Sculpture Garden Restaurant and then we had our picture taken in front of the great mural which is in the hall on the way to the restrooms- It's a very big hall, but still not the best place for this nice mural. But it was a very big blank wall...just calling out for a mural.

I love the Krylon can!

Then we heard music coming from the beautiful organ pavilion... mixed with the sound of planes flying over.

Then on to the International Village. Each little cottage has a sample of food, gifts and sometimes music, as in this first photo in the Irish Cottage.

These are just two of the many "Buskers". The first couple played the steel drums and the next guy played some kind of horn. (Nancy says it's a didgeridoo.) When he got a tip he did a wonderful little performance of tipping his hat several times while shaking his bell-festooned ankles.

While we were in the arboretum full of beautiful flowers...


Strange and wonderful music was wafting in from somewhere. Sort of a combination of opera, Tuvan Throat Singing, and maybe Tibetan chanting. Of course we rushed out to find out where it was coming from.

It was the best part of the whole day. Bizarre and wonderful! They were called "Tribal Baroque".
It was so much fun to watch and listen to but the best part was the reaction of the crowd. They were stunned and fascinated...especially the children...and me!

If you want to know more about them (and it's an interesting story) go to

A thoroughly enjoyable day.


  1. It all sounds wonderful. You guys managed to salvage the day pretty well. Would you believe I have a didgeridoo - brought it home from Australia thinking I'd learn to play it. Well, I'm not going to be blowing that thing in Balboa Park anytime soon but someday I hope to squeeze a least a sound from it. Thanks for the pleasant read and interesting pictures.

  2. beautiful flowers and so much fun :) thanx for stopping by!

  3. Hi You girls are great. glad you had a good time. Thanks Beth C

  4. Hi, I live a long way from San Diego but I have visited several times and a visit to Balboa Park is always on the agenda. I was there last January and your photos brought back the happy memory.

  5. Hi! I'm Lila'Angelique of Tribal Baroque! I'm glad you enjoyed our prayformance!
