Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Junior High School Diary

On Nancy's blog, Ladies of the Grove, she has a hilarious post about her childhood diary. I highly recommend it. She asks for other diary stories, so here's mine:

I don't remember the dog ever eating my homework but she did my diary.
I've been meaning to piece it together for several years. I couldn't bear to throw it away, so saved it in a plastic bag.

The diary is for 1954-56. So it's actually part Jr. high and part high school.

Here' s one little excerpt that's together enough that I can read:
 "Went to semi-formal at the "Y". Had crumby time. Can't stand Jack. I love George."

I remember Jack but I have no idea who George is.
I don't think I can compete with Nancy's diary.  Hers is much funnier.  Maybe when I get it pieced together.

1 comment:

  1. Even your ripped up diary pages look artisticd! What is it with you? Maybe you can incorporate them into a sentimental zendangle. The idea of a fragment which triggers a memory is lovely - like a palimpset.
