Sunday, August 15, 2010

SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY- L.A. Theater outing

I feel like I'm cheating when I shoot patio chairs. They make the most beautiful shadows. It's just too easy! These were in the patio of the Mark Taper Forum In L.A. where we have season tickets.

Here's some tiny little shadows on the spouts of the fountain also in the patio.

Here's the play we saw. Believe it or not, it was both bloody/gory and funny.  I shouldn't have liked it because it was way to involved with a dead cat. A very realistic-looking dead cat!  It was about the war(?) in Ireland and one of the leaders of a splinter group whose cat had died. Hard to imagine that as the subject of a play. It was quite clever and to me it showed the stupidity of war. It was a lot about torture, too, which, of course reminded me of Abu Ghraib. Are you still wondering how it could be funny? I guess you'll have to see it or take my word for it.

Nancy, with a few more shadows being thrown by an interesting sculpture, also on the grounds of the Mark Taper. 
To see more shadow shots click here.


  1. Looks like you two had a great day looking at shadows, art and theatre.

    I haven't heard of this play but it seems the playwright must have been really good to be able to combine humour and war. sounds interesting!

  2. Beautiful shadows can come from the most common things. I like them all.

  3. great shadows! i especially like the second chair shot.

  4. You guys found some perfect shadows! What cool shadows came from those, did you splash around in that fountain or what?!! The play sounds've got us!! HAve a great week!

  5. Shadow chair—
    substantial enough
    to sit on?

  6. I heard just a bit of your description of the play at the book club meeting. It sounds like it was very skillfully done. These shadows are lovely.
