Thursday, August 19, 2010

Artie gets the groceries

I know there's something for me in here somewhere.  Aha...Nutri-Dents.

That sure was good!  Do my teeth look whiter?

A dip after my treat.

Time for a nap.


  1. Buster says that Artie is pretty cool and has good instincts.
    All puppy teeth are new and lovely and bright.
    Buster's ma is jealous......!!!!
    What a lovely dog.

  2. A dog that looks that cute, with fluffy eyebrows and a nice beard, and a little ducky too, could get away with anything in my house.

  3. Is Artie a wire fox terrier? He's adorable. We have an Airedale terrier and I think they share a few traits: I see our Hannah involved in searches like these sometimes. Fun!

  4. Nancy, Yes, Artie is a wire haired fox terrier. He belongs to my niece, Megan. My sister, Nancy, is taking care of him here in Cailf. while Megan is working in N.Y. He's very old and is blind and deaf but as you can see, still mischievious.
