Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We love Etsy

We've been selling things on a wonderful site that we've just discovered called Etsy. We're really having fun with it. Although I think we're going to be tempted to buy more than we sell. We thought it would be a great way to get rid of all the tons of stuff we've accumulated in over 30 years of business. It's not just stuff... it's great stuff...treasures. I think we're going to have trouble letting go of things, though. We keep saying "oh, no not that...I love that! We have loads of ephemera of every type, lots of neat things we've used as photo props , things we've made for books, things we've bought at garage sales, etc.,etc.

Our store is called Bits and Pieces Etc. I had to add the etc. because there already were a couple of stores called that. It hasn't been easy to figure it all out. In fact it's painful. But it's getting easier every day. See some of the other products at the right of this page. You can click on any of the pictures to go to our store. So far we're having fun putting bits and pieces of things in cute containers. I don't know what we'll do next. We both want to try some atcs and collages.

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