Monday, April 28, 2008

Friends of the Library Luncheon

My favorite author, Anne Patchett. She asked to borrow my pen to sign an autograph for someone. She reminded me of Nancy and I ,who never had a pen when we went to tradeshows. It made it hard to write orders.

Anne was the speaker for the luncheon. She was wonderful! She spoke once before a few years ago and was very entertaining. It was just as if you were having a private conversation with her. Her step-mother lives in Fallbrook and is the outgoing president of the Friends of the Library. Nancy is on the board this year as the Publicity Director.

We sat at a table with members of another Fallbrook book club. They've had their club for 35 years. Very nice ladies. Vickie was the only other one there from our book club.

Anne's new book is "Run", which we read for our club. I loved it. She has a new book which I bought there ( from Carrie ) and had autographed. It's a speech she gave at her alma matre, Sarah Lawrence .

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