Used a wax candle to draw the lines on the bathing suits before painting on the color,
used the edge of a credit card (an old expired one!) dipped in paint to add the straight lines on the umbrellas,
dipped the other end of my brush in just-painted wet paint to pull out thin wispy lines for the designs on the umbrellas,
shook salt on the background and then painted over it with the sand color ( this would have been better if I had kosher salt).
Mary said not to use all the techniques on one painting and I actually didn't use them all. There were several more that I can't think of right now. I think I'll paint a sampler sheet of all of them and keep it close at hand.
Some of my fellow classmates paintings are below. I didn't get everybody. Some people had already left before I thought about taking pictures. They're not all finished. We were going to all go home and finish them. Somehow I never seem to do this, though. If I don't finish it in the class it just sits there for ages.