Friday, December 5, 2014

Zentangle helps calm Ferguson

I found this on the Zenangle Newsletter. It was sent in by one of the Zentangle artists who lives in Ferguson:

"Some inspired artists decided to look at some of the boarded up windows of Ferguson as an opportunity to beautify and heal.  For the past 3 days local artists have been out painting murals and messages of hope. I have been practicing Zentangles for the past few years and wanted to share the joy it has brought me with my community.

The beauty shop, Beauty World, which had been burned on Monday night, became my Zentangle paper. The black and white paint became my pen. I was hoping to show through Zentangle art that, as you say, anything can be accomplished one stroke at a time...even working toward unity, equality and peace.

In my heart, though, it was also a way for me to show that black and white can work together to create something more beautiful than any one shade can create on its own. My community is diverse and we are more vibrant because of that diversity.  We have the opportunity now to work together to create something more beautiful for our community, for our children, for our future." 


  1. What a splendid healing idea.
    Beauty has some power to heal ugliness .
    Always worth trying to help even in a small way.
