Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Knoll Park and Chandelle come to Del Mar

On our yearly stay at Del Mar my Knoll Park/Chandelle neighbors came for a visit.
We had a great time. Lots of conversation, lunch at Jakes, and a walk along the coast.
The group photo was taken by a lady who was an astrologer and author from New York. She divides her time between there and Del Mar. Her name was Jan Spiller.

Paula and John
Mary Anne, me, Don, Nancy, Paula, John
Don and Nancy
John, Mary Anne, Paula

Jan Spiller, the astrologer, was very interesting and so nice to take our picture.  Here's her picture and some info about her: https://www.janspiller.com/horoscope.php  You can even have your fortune told!

Here's her latest book:
 We always meet the most interesting people at Del Mar. And have the most interesting visitors!

 The sunset at the end of the day.


  1. Merry Christmas one and all!
    Buster sends greetings!

  2. Looks like a bright future for the whole group. Or will there be a tall dark stranger in your life? Merry Christmas to you and Nancy and all the cats and dog.
