Friday, February 15, 2013

Sepia Saturday- My turtle

I won this award in 1951 for my pet turtle at John Adams Playground in San Diego. I wonder how many turtles were in the turtle division? I only got third place !

I know I got another much better award but I couldn't find it. I think it was for Best Pet Trick. (or maybe it was for Best Turtle Trick.) It said on the award Best Trick- Standing Turtle. It could stand upright in my hand. Of course, I had to balance it just right.

I really don't remember much about this turtle. Don't even remember his (or her) name. Poor thing!

I remember my Horned Toad a lot better. I kept it in a shoe box, outside. It rained one day and the box split and he (or she) got out. While trying to capture it I accidentally stepped on it. Blood spurted out of every orifice. I was appalled but picked it up and put it into a new box where it recovered and lived happily ever after.
To see more turtle stories and to read my sister,  Nancy's funny pet story go to

And to read about my more recent turtle


  1. I know you've been a prize winner all throughout your life, but I see now that you peaked in 1951 - hit the really big time at John Adams Playground. It does make you wonder what to what lofty heights the first and second place winners climbed? And Best Turtle Trick? Amazing. I'm guessing the Horned Toad's name was Lucky?

  2. Oh please tell me this was a REAL competition, that we had not become so "politically correct" and worried about children's self-esteem that they were awarding every kid a prize. Say it ain't so!

  3. Helen, you are always so kind and you're right, this was the peak!

    Wendy, I think this was way before anyone thought about being "politically correct" but if it was a REAL competition I wonder what the criteria was to judge the turtles? The standing turtle, however was a REAL talent.

  4. I was TERRIFIED of horned toads when I was a child. I was so afraid that they would pierce me with their horns! My brother learned of my fear very early and tortured me with it our entire childhood. I can see you were very proud of your toad and his (or her) miraculous recovery. Well done.

  5. They had pet turtle competitions!! Fantastic.

  6. The horned toad story was horrific. Not sure that I would like a horned toad anyway, but one with blood spurting out of its orifices almost at will ... no thanks.

  7. That really is a lesson on pet keeping.

    It's little stories like that, that make a childhood.

  8. Oh, that is a shockingly sad story. But I only have admiration for anyone who can win a turtle prize. Respect!

  9. I can understand keepin a turtle as a pet but would have thought a toad was a 'boys' means of frightening the girls. Amazing that it survived being trodden on so badly.

  10. Sherrie, I hope I didn't make you relive old fears. As I recall the horns weren't capable of piercing anything. They were kind of soft. At least I was able to pick it up easily without getting pierced.

  11. I'm even more traumatised now I have read all your links. Thank goodness I had already eaten when I read the horned toad story.
