Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sepia Saturday- Doll Decapitated

This was my beloved childhood doll. I saved her in my old "hope chest". When I gave the hope chest away lately I cleaned it out... wedding dress, veil, several other "hopeless" things and my doll. Alas, she was also hopeless. She seems to have been made of some kind of rubber that deteriorated. Her head was made of something else and and is still alive...she still opens and closes her eyes. 

One cute little hand is also O.K. but looks like the fingers are about to fall off.

Her beautiful velvet dress is in pretty good shape.

It looks like the same dress in this blurry old photo, but on a different doll.
In the background is my sister, Nancy's Donald Duck bank. She still has it. 
Somewhere there's a picture of her with her much loved bank but, try as I might, I couldn't find it.

And in the near background I think that's a hitching post...could it be? Maybe just a water spigot.
And in the far background is an old car that I'm sure one of you "old car buffs" could identify.

See more doll stories at


  1. Your doll is gorgeous. I can remember that velvet doll dresses were the absolute pinnacle of doll fashion. And the lace collar and cuffs! No wonder you kept it for all these years. So you had a doll and Nancy had a bank. Hmmmm.

  2. The only thing creepier than a decapitated doll is those Chuckie movies. My sister's Shrinking Violette has no body, but her string and voice work as well as ever. Clear as a bell: "I'm afraid of noisy boys!"

  3. Helen(Food Smarts),
    Maybe I'd better start paying more attention to Nancy's financial advice.

  4. Wendy,
    I wish my doll had said "I'm afraid of noisy boys" instead of just blinking her eyes. I could have learned something!

  5. Dolls' heads do look very bizarre when removed from the doll. Lovely post.

  6. A wonderful series of pictures. And when my time comes let it be said of me "his head was made of something else and has survived"

  7. Great post and pictures. I wonder whether there is a modern doll which says, "Hello Boys."

  8. Oh poor dolly to lose her body like that. I remember having a doll made entirely from something rubbery like yours. She had rooted hair and was very modern, but she too disintegrated.

  9. You never know which dolls will survive intact. But rubber is not a good endurance material, at least when it comes to play things.
