Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The dogs of Del Mar

Are all Del Mar dogs white? ....Almost


  1. If I can, I would like to order one of those short ones with the tennis ball in its mouth.

  2. My favorites are the King Charles spaniels - the one in the stroller is particularly darling. I'd say these are all well cared for pooches and lucky. I wish I could live there.

  3. My favorites are the King Charles spaniels - the one in the stroller is particularly darling. I'd say these are all well cared for pooches and lucky. I wish I could live there.

  4. What a lovely collection of well loved pooches.
    Gosh, would Buster enjoy the seaside......which he has never seen!

  5. Your pooch was surely had a great time in the beach. Wonderful photos.
