Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love poems, etc. in my great grandmothers autograph book

La Moille, Jan. 8th, 1888  Remember me when far, far off 
Where woodchucks die of the whooping cough. 
Your friend, E.L. Anstith  

Roseland , March 13, 1890 
Friend Katie,  
Let your moto(?) be honest and truthfully, 
and I hope someday you will make 
some man a happy wife. 
Your true friend, R.S. Bayler

What care I for gold 
or silver, or all the money 
in the land, Give me a 
wife and sixteen children, 
a bobtail horse and a 
peanut stand.  
Van Orin Shambaugh

 This one is legible.  It must be from one of my Aunts.

Sublette, Ill., Dec. 28th, 1887
To Katie, 
You may fall into war, 
You may fall from above, 
But be careful, Katie, 
Don't fall into love. 
Boys are handsome, Fellows 
are plenty, But don't you 
get married Before you are twenty. 
Your friend, Henry Biester.

 As sure as comes your wedding day, 
a broom to you I will send, 
in sunshine use the bushy part, 
in storm the other end.   J.W. Stoll

Sublette, Ill, Feb. 2 1905  
Dear Mother: I love you little, 
I love you big, 
I love you better than 
The groundhog day.  Your Daughter Mabel

 And finally some good advice:

Sublette, Ill. Feb. 2, 1905  
Dear Katie, Don't have any more 
children then 1/2 dozen, 
for those are plenty for you.  
From your friend Katie Shraemer (?)

 My great grandmother, Kate Daehler on the right

click here to see more Sepia Saturday


  1. What a treasure. I'm so glad nobody threw this out along the way. I am still laughing about "bananas are slippery and so's your old man."

  2. Absolutely wonderful! A lost art. Let's hear it for old autograph books.

  3. I timeless and timely collection. I particularly love the expression "Where woodchucks die of the whooping cough"

  4. I hope for her husband's sake that the days were no too stormy.
    Her friends had a great sense of humour.

  5. Serendipity, I was just talking with a friend about autograph books. I have mine from elementary school, not as old as this but the signings were similar...I don't think there are such things now a days. A great treasure!

  6. This is such a treasure! The dates are amazing. I enjoyed reading more about your grandmother on your Ghost of Things to Come post. Wonderful and rich family history.

  7. You are so lucky to have these treasures - and you never seem to run out. What great little gems these
    homilies are and they never seem to be outdated. Just as true today as they were way back then! Maybe you should resurrect the autograph book. Kids now might think they are really cool Actual hand writing!

  8. Great stuff! My favorite is to the grandma from her granddaughter!

  9. Charming! I had an autograph book once when in grade school. Before I became interested in family history I threw it out. Oh, how I regret it! Thank goodness your great-grandmother and those who came after her had more sense than me! Great post!
