Monday, February 7, 2011

Fallbrook's wonderful new library

Mosaic murals including bits of memories supplied by the community.

The roof of the patio

More mosaics, more bits of memorabilia. Notes in the bottles.

There's even a very classy fire pit. I think this would be a very cool place for teen-agers to sit and do their homework.

Nancy and Beth try out the huge avocado couch in the kid's room.

Even the tiny kids are enjoying the libraries computers.

More mosaics. This one, of Fallbrook's claim to fame- the avocado. Notice there are also several old photos embedded in the mosaic. These were contributed by the community members.


  1. It really is a wonderfully designed facility. It would be fun to go there to visit as well as check out the books.

  2. this looks like a wonderful place to spend time in. love the idea of the avocado, here and there.

  3. Nice showcase of the library. The mosaics are really wonderful aren't they?

  4. That library looks so cheerful and inviting. The mosaics are beautiful and it all just looks sparkling and bright.
