Friday, December 4, 2009


I love this view of the crows at sunset. This is a dead avocado tree that really should be cut down but then where would the crows roost. Sometimes there's a hawk here instead of the crows. It makes the crows very angry.


  1. Hi. Did you read in this months book that a group of crows is called a "murder of crows"? See you Wednesday. Helen

  2. Such a cool shot!
    I love it.
    I have a great friend Monica Knight( English) who lives in Fallbrook.
    I wonder if you know her?
    So happy to have discovered your blog.

  3. Hi Elizabeth,
    I don't know Monica but I looked her up in the phone book and she is a neighbor of a friend of mine. What a small world ! My friend's name is Karen Langer Baker. I'll be seeing her in my art class and maybe at our altered Christmas card party next week. She's a wonderful artist and president of the Fallbrook Art Assoc.
    I'll ask her if she knows Monica.
    I've been reading your blogs since Morroco. I was kind of upset when you moved to New York because I loved all the photos and descriptions of Morroco but now I'm loving New York, too. I love Buster's blog,also. P.S. What were you doing in Morroco?

  4. Yes, Helen, I did. He sure didn't like crows. I love them.

  5. love this! I was inspired by Stephen Curry's show at the Athenaeum and have taken some pics of tree silhouettes, but get that murder of crows to pose was pure genius on your part!
