Friday, December 11, 2009

Altered Christmas card party

It was a cold December day- perfect for Christmas card making. The sun was streaming in the window of the studio, we were fortified with snacks, Bloody Marys, scintillating conversation and lots of laughter. Everybody brought old Christmas cards to make into new ones using our large stash of papers and other art materials (and lots that they brought, also).
The cast of characters: Doris Wilke: watercolor and multimedia artist; Kathy Morgan: print maker, calligrapher, painter, etc.(and neighbor); Linda Blinn: multi media artist, author of "Making Family Journals" teacher, designer, etc.; Jeri Clements: pastel and acrylic artist, jewelry designer (and Banar's administrative asst. for many years); Jane LaFazio: journal artist, teacher, watercolor artist, art quilt maker, etc.; and Nancy and I.
Jane kept us all laughing.

Jeri was very serious about her work.

Doris and Linda confer.

Doris works on an altered card.

Linda brought a machine for embossing called a Cuttlebug- dumb name but a neat machine.
Jeri was really enchanted with it and went right out the next day to buy one. This is a piece of vellum embossed and then colored with Pearl Ex pigments.

Linda adhered the top layer of a napkin to a card and then ran it through the embossing machine.

Kathy was the most productive. She was able to talk, laugh and work all at the same time. She made these four cards (and more). I think she, later, covered up the bugs on the last card and made it a little more Christmasy.

One of my lame attempts. I was running back and forth to the house getting supplies and didn't really concentrate on my card making. At least that was my excuse.
Just found this slightly better card that I made. I cut the snowflake and the word Joy from a Trader Joes shopping bag. I embossed the snowflake with the embossing machine.

Nancy made some great snacks; deviled eggs, cucumber slices with creamed cheese and olive spread,
various dips and chips. Jeri brought five layer dip, Linda made crab dip, Doris brought crackers and  Nancy made mean Bloody Marys.

1 comment:

  1. And was it ever fun!!! thank you Nancy and Barbara for the great day!
