Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Santa Barbara Christmas

Our cozy little cottage.

Awakened to a beautiful sunrise.

Our hosts left us this cute little Christmas tree.

Megan's childhood stocking was hung by the chimney with care in hopes that her mother would fill it with presents fair.

One of the Montecito mansions decorated to the hilt.( We couldn't find Oprah's house)

Christmas morning at the Santa Barbara Mission with a wonderful choir and orchestra.

Went to the movies and saw Frost/Nixon- very, very good. We couldn't see "Last Chance Harvey" as we would have liked because Megan had to wait to see it with her boyfriend, Martin.
His sister produced it and her husband wrote and directed it. We also saw "Slumdog Millionaire". Wonderful.

Then on to L.A. to stay for a night at Megan's friend Amy's new house. She's at her parents for Christmas.

Had dinner with my brother.
This house was around the corner from his. Every year they add new decorations until the little house is positively dwarfed.

The view from Amy's window.

A drawing of Amy's father by Don Bachardy hanging in Amy's office.

A Bachardy portrait of Amy.

A beautiful drawing by Amy's mother, Jesse Homer French.

Megan having breakfast at The Alcove. (Two comments overheard- " $9.00 for a friggin bowl of oatmeal! " when it came to the table- " This could feed a family of five !")

Then on to shopping at the Soap Plant, the most wonderful quirky book and gift store. We also shopped at the new Americana shopping center in Glendale. It's like shopping in a real downtown. It even has a trolley. The stores were very upscale. Nancy wasn't feeling well and the crowds were horendous so we didn't stay long.

We had a wonderful time and it was so much fun being with Megan.
On the way to Santa Barbara we visited with Debbie Hill (Megan's stepmother) who's off on a trip around the world with three friends.
All the animals were so glad to see us when we got home


  1. what a memory jog - i love soap plant and am thrilled to learn its still there! part of 'the way we were'
    arlene aka grandma
