Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Book Club Christmas Party-2008

We read" The Flying Troutmans", which we all enjoyed. It was the story of a very disfunctional family. The mother was institutionalized and the aunt was driving the two kids to reunite with their father. It was a very funny road trip. Troutman was the family name.

Our host for the evening- Roxanne, who decorated her house beautifully for the party.

Beth surveys the scene.

Beth D., Barb and Nancy

Vickie, Beth, Laurie, and Barb

Kathy enjoys the soup and bread.

Some of the wonderful food. Laurie made this appetizer.

Beth D.'s fantastic lamb chops

Grapes rolled in cheese and nuts. Delicious! Made by Barb.

A wonderful cheese dip made by Roxanne who also made a big pot of soup.

Nancy's pumpkin squares

Goat cheese and nuts, by Laurie.

I cheated and brought the cake from our photo shoot.

Another delicious cake. I can't remember who brought this. I should because it was sooo good. I think Beth brought it and got it at the Claim Jumper.

Vickie made a wonderful shrimp appetizer but I didn't get a good picture of it. She always has a beautiful presentation.

Kathie brought wine.

We all contributed to the Fallbrook Food Pantry instead of giving each other presents, although Kathie also contributed to a plant- a- tree organization in our name and Vickie gave us bookmarks from The Great Elephant Poo Poo Paper company. They actually make the paper from elephant poo and part of the proceeds goes to the conservation of elephants. They have an interesting website; www.poopoopaper.com/

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