Monday, July 6, 2015

Ivan joins George

Remember Handsome George
who made himself at home at my house several months ago?
 He went to his new home with Beatrice and Bob
who met him while I was at the vet with him.

George just lost his companion, Black.
He was very lonesome and Beatrice called to
 see if I had any new cats that might like
 to move in with George.

What about my new foundling Ivan?
Ivan was really bored. He had even started reading the dictionary
He was badly in need of a playmate.
No matter how hard he tried the old cats
wouldn't play with him.

Even Tootie wouldn't play with Ivan. 

Finally Chloe would let Ivan sleep a little bit near her....
until she fully woke up and noticed.

I was very attached to Ivan but I knew he wasn't
completely happy. He really wanted to play.
When Beatrice told me that George and Ivan
would live in a big coyote-free area, I decided to do what was best for Ivan.

Ivan's last night in my bed. I'm going to miss him.

I think he's going to be much happier with George. 
So far, I've heard they're having a ball.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea...matching them up like that. Now you have room for another cat? Have you got a "room for rent" sign up?
