Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Monarchs are coming...hopefully!

My friend, Judy, gave me some milkweed seeds to plant to attract Monarch butterflies.
It worked! Finally a Monarch showed up.
 She must have laid a lot of eggs.

Pretty soon there were 7 caterpillars and they got busy eating all the leaves.

 Judy said that's what they were supposed to do. She said to keep watering anyway.
The caterpillars are all gone and so are the leaves. Somewhere the butterflies are forming.
I haven't seen any cocoons yet.


  1. Hello from Kerman, Iran. Social media is blocked in Iran and so I'm using a kind worm hole program which gets around the block. It doesn't allow me to post comments on blogs. I have to tell you how beautiful the butterfly post is. And so interesting for you to watch.

    Just the opposite to your experiences in the garden, yesterday we were in the hot nothing lives there. It was about 118 and we spent an hour or so, looking at the views. It was a first for me....never been in those hot temperatures, but oddly after half hour or so, you seem to acclimate, temporarily. We had gallons of water to drink and stayed in the shade. Tonight we sleep in a caravanserie...sort of an elaborate tent.


  2. Hello from Kerman, Iran. Social media is blocked in Iran and so I'm using a kind worm hole program which gets around the block. It doesn't allow me to post comments on blogs. I have to tell you how beautiful the butterfly post is. And so interesting for you to watch.

    Just the opposite to your experiences in the garden, yesterday we were in the hot nothing lives there. It was about 118 and we spent an hour or so, looking at the views. It was a first for me....never been in those hot temperatures, but oddly after half hour or so, you seem to acclimate, temporarily. We had gallons of water to drink and stayed in the shade. Tonight we sleep in a caravanserie...sort of an elaborate tent.


  3. That is so neat to see you doing that. Iowa State University has made it their cause to grow milkweed and also monarchs to reintroduce them into nature.
