Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A very busy week- 9/22- 9/28

Saturday- A fun gathering at the Mannings'.
Don and Mary Ann were there.

Maddy gets the best chair in the house. As she should!

Tuesday night-
 T. Jefferson Parker talked about his new book at the library. It sounds great and is centered in Fallbrook. So many people got in line for autographed books that they ran out.

 Several of our friends were there. Mariana and Beth.
Also Sarah Bates

and Dave Custer.

Tuesday morning - I taught a Zentangle class for Jodi and her friends Gaye and Diane.
 Jodi brought a wonderful lunch.

 Thursday morning - My watercolor journaling class met at Buena Creek Gardens in San Marcos.

Helen Garcia, our teacher, and Margery converse with one of the garden residents.

Sue and another of the residents- the cutest and funniest kitten. It really enjoyed being the center of attention. It even participated in one of the paintings. It hopped up on the lap of one of the painters and smeared her wet paint. After Helen touched it up a bit it looked great.

A beautifully designed cat who lives here.

There were also parrots. They kept up a stream of noises and funny comments. While Helen was giving us a lesson when she paused one of the parrots said "what next?" I'm not kidding!

 Goats and geese, too.  This goose loved scratching the head of his friend, the goat. The goat loved it.

The same goat wanting me to scratch it's head...or maybe to give him a treat... or a kiss.

Thursday night- Nancy and I went to Beatrice and Bob's house for dinner. They're the couple who adopted George (My stray cat). We had a wonderful time. Bob made a great vegetarian dinner, Chicken Tika Masalla with faux chicken that was called Quorn. Nancy got the recipe. They have a lovely home on several acres which I'm sure George is enjoying with his new friend, Black.

Friday night- Taco night at the VFW with all the Knoll Park Lane neighborhood friends

Saturday- a visit from our cousin, Kathy and her husband Larry. They were here from their home in Hawaii for a golf tournament that Larry played in which was in Las Vegas.
 My brother, Bob, (above, in the middle) was here, also. He hadn't seen Kathy since he was a teen-ager.
 Kathy and Larry were staying in West Covina with their friends, Carol and Louis, who also came for lunch.

We all had a great visit.

And finally on Sunday we met Marge, Jane and Carol at the Civic to see "Kinky Boots".
We all enjoyed it. Then we went to dinner at P.F. Changs'.

Could I have crammed any more into this week?
 It was wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. No, I don't think you could cram anymore in. I'd need a week to rest and recover after this! I'd like to see how your watercolor journal is shaping up. Enjoyed reading about your busy social life.
