Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Trip to Ojai

Cute dog at an outlet mall on the way to Ojai.

Air show while at the mall.

 Our hotel- The Blue Iguana.- Megan and Nancy.

Megan, me and the blue iguana.

Always be happy when they lose your reservation! You get upgraded to a place like this.
Nancy relaxes in MY suite.

The outside of my suite. 

The hallway to the kitchen and bedroom.

An interesting comment in the guestbook.

The comment to the comment.

The Ojai post office.

The "honor system" bookcases built into the outside walls of Bart's Books

The inside of Bart's Books. A great Ojai book store.

Megan and Nancy at Libby Park.

A man getting a massage in the patio of one of the shopping malls, outside of a spa supply store.

Caspar, the bird, being introduced to Caspar, the toy. At the Ojai Valley Inn
A fountain at The Blue Iguana.

Sunset in the hills above Ojai. The end of a perfect day and a perfect trip.

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