Thursday, May 29, 2014

Megan and J.P. come for a visit

We started out at The Jolly Rogers in the Oceanside harbor for drinks and dinner. It was nostalgic for Nancy and me. We hadn't been there in a long time but we used to eat there often. It has a beautiful view of the boats in the harbor.

The next day we went for a hike on the trails in Fallbrook.

Tootie stopped for a drink.

The happy hikers.

The next excursion was to the beach in Del Mar.

This was right next door to our Time Share so Megan and J.P were able to take advantage of the facilities...the pool and the hot tub.

 The next day it was on to Venice for lunch on the very hip Abbot Kinney Blvd. at an ultra hip
restaurant. It was delicious!! 

After we ate we were eying this dessert on the table next to us. They had hardly eaten any of it!!
It looked so good we were trying to figure out how to grab it after the people left. The hostess noticed us drooling and sneaked it over to us. (I hope she doesn't get fired). Then she even brought us 4 spoons. We were thrilled and it was the BEST.

A very exclusive dress shop on the street.  Megan had designed the logo for it when she lived in L.A.  Pamela happened to be there that day and Megan introduced us to her.

After lunch we took Megan and J.P. to pick up the van they had rented for their trip to Yosemite and Death Valley.
We had a great time but it was over too soon. 
After visiting their L.A. friends they'll return to Brooklyn and then maybe back to J.P.'s home in France. And then ...who knows?

1 comment:

  1. Now I see what you meant about the dessert...the ice cream isn't even melted! Looks like you had a great visit! Megan looks very happy.
