Thursday, May 29, 2014

Megan and J.P. come for a visit

We started out at The Jolly Rogers in the Oceanside harbor for drinks and dinner. It was nostalgic for Nancy and me. We hadn't been there in a long time but we used to eat there often. It has a beautiful view of the boats in the harbor.

The next day we went for a hike on the trails in Fallbrook.

Tootie stopped for a drink.

The happy hikers.

The next excursion was to the beach in Del Mar.

This was right next door to our Time Share so Megan and J.P were able to take advantage of the facilities...the pool and the hot tub.

 The next day it was on to Venice for lunch on the very hip Abbot Kinney Blvd. at an ultra hip
restaurant. It was delicious!! 

After we ate we were eying this dessert on the table next to us. They had hardly eaten any of it!!
It looked so good we were trying to figure out how to grab it after the people left. The hostess noticed us drooling and sneaked it over to us. (I hope she doesn't get fired). Then she even brought us 4 spoons. We were thrilled and it was the BEST.

A very exclusive dress shop on the street.  Megan had designed the logo for it when she lived in L.A.  Pamela happened to be there that day and Megan introduced us to her.

After lunch we took Megan and J.P. to pick up the van they had rented for their trip to Yosemite and Death Valley.
We had a great time but it was over too soon. 
After visiting their L.A. friends they'll return to Brooklyn and then maybe back to J.P.'s home in France. And then ...who knows?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014

My stray cat

I certainly don't need another cat but I can't stand to see an animal go hungry. He doesn't allow me to get near him but comes every day for his breakfast and dinner. One time he sniffed my hand. He's very "talky" and really sounds like he's carrying on a conversation.
I'm going to contact the Feral Cat Society and see if they can trap him and get him fixed.
Sitting on the planter ledge ( two stories up) outside the living room window.
Who could resist?

Looking quite content.

Making himself at home on a broken bench on the deck off my art room.

A ceramic cat at Al and Linda Brandli's house. I think Al might have made it. 
I wonder if my stray cat once lived down the street at the Brandli's? I must call and ask them.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rescued kitten

My neighbor, Don, found this abandoned baby kitten. He told me he found it in my driveway. Probably so that I'd feel more responsible and would be more apt to take it in. He didn't really find it there but the ruse worked. I couldn't resist.

I certainly didn't need another cat. At the moment I have 4 plus a stray that I've been feeding. My neighbor, Paula, came over to help and had called a friend who might be interested in taking it.
The friend came and brought some kitten formula but said her husband wouldn't let her have it.
I guess that's another reason I don't have a husband!!!

Paula suggested the Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary might have some nursing mother cats who could maybe take it in. I didn't really want to burden them since I know they are up to their eyeballs in cats.
I bottle fed the kitten for a couple of days. Luckily it slept all night. I called and emailed everyone I knew but no takers.

I went to the sanctuary and asked them. They knew of a sanctuary that had nursing mother cats and abandoned kittens. They had someone who was going to take some of their kittens there that afternoon. They also said they had wonderful success with finding them homes. She told me it was 100 percent. Hurray! I was so happy. I left them a very large contribution. I left with a few tears. I had already gotten a little attached. One more day and I would have had a 6th cat.