Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"Greet the New Neighbors" Party at Dave and Cindy's

Dave starts out by pointing out who-lives-where, while Clay and Sally Millard, Eric (the new kid on the block), Don Cardamon, Jon Frandell, Chuck Theel, Joe and Betty Osborne listen intently.

The new family introduce themselves ( Vince, Eric and Diane )
while Dorie Theel, Don and Chuck look on.

Vince (the new neighbor) tells us a little about himself.

Don, Clay, Sally, Chuck, Jon, Dave, Betty,  Joe, Lita.

Nancy Javier and Paula Manning talking to Jon Frandell.

Clay and Sally Millard with Jon, Chuck, and Joe.

After a very funny talk about whether we could touch our toes (or our hands to the floor), Don demonstrates that he can still touch his palms to the floor.

We all go downstairs to see Dave's fantastic model train collection. The highlight for me was the theater with a marquee featuring Dave's wife Cindy in "Refuge From the Storm". 
I didn't get a picture of Cindy. I think she was always scurrying around making sure everyone was happy.

A blurry picture of John Manning talking to Tom and Marci Eisenstadt. We were all a little blurry by this time!

It was such a nice party and Cindy and Dave Custer were wonderful hosts.

1 comment:

  1. You really lucked out in that neighborhood. They look like such a nice bunch.
