Thursday, December 19, 2013

DeAnne's Annual Ladies' Christmas Party

Here are all the lovely ladies (except DeAnne and me). I know why I don't have a picture of me, but why not the most important person...the hostess? DeAnne puts on a lovely party every year. She decorates beautifully. She's such a good hostess. So why no picture? Maybe it's because she was so busy attending to her guests. So sorry, DeAnne. I guess there's always next year. The main reason I took the pictures is so that I could match them up with the names and then not forget who was who. I didn't need a picture of DeAnne to remember who she was. I could say that about some of the others, too. For instance, my sister, Nancy.

Anne Kreile

Margaret Ann Ashton and Sharon Kersey
Donna (Dee) Schaffer
Jennie Thomson
Tina Tiso
Joan Amberson
Nancy Javier and Phee Sherline
DeAnne even arranged this perfect ending to a perfect party.


  1. Party, party, party! Such a deprived life you lead! Still freezing here in Vienna.

  2. Party, party, party! Such a deprived life you lead! Still freezing here in Vienna.
