Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Past

Looks like I'm the only one that got a present that year! And I sure look smug!
Nancy and Bobby don't look happy.
(Chicago, about '42 or '43)
Happy holidays to all you Sepia Saturday friends and everyone else.

To see more Sepia Saturday


  1. Your tree looks like ours did! Yes, you do look smug. Do you remember the present. Happy holidays to you too!

  2. That's my idea of a Christmas tree -- those absolutely "perfect" ones just aren't right! I'd be smug, too, if I had that present in my lap!

  3. Cute picture. Guess I'd be smiling too if I had a present. And you had a 'Charlie Brown' tree - only you didn't know it at the time b/c 'Charlie Brown' hadn't been created yet. :))

  4. Wonderful shot. Happy Christmas to both you and Nancy - have a great holiday.

  5. a Wining Smile :) HAVE A BRILLIANT CHRISTMAS!

  6. A very sweet photo. Best wishes to you for Christmas and 2014!

  7. A triple cute photo. Best wishes for a joyful holiday.

  8. The expressions are priceless; there has to be a story behind this one. I hope you both had a great Christmas and best wishes for 2014.

  9. Great picture of a different era.
    I guess Xmas magic still brings smiles to today's children,
    even if much has changed over time.

    To follow on your comment on my blog, I hope you and Nancy enjoyed the beach on Xmas... We got even more snow since that last post of mine. You can imagine my excitement [not!!]...

    Still, things are going fine and I am looking forward to 2014.

    May you and your sister enjoy a fabulous year and I am hoping to hear again from you, here and at "my place"!!

    Take care!!
