Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Zendala # 51 and Spring has sprung at my house

Zendala # 51. (Thanks to thebrightowl.blogspot.com for the template)

 Chloe and the wisteria

 Would you think a bird would choose this plant as a home for a nest? It's on a baker's rack on my front porch.

Here's a birdseye view of it nestled among the spiky leaves. Looking very comfy, though.

 The first two beautiful eggs.

 The next day.

And the next.

And even another... Getting pretty crowded!

If you look real hard you can just see the mother bird sitting on her eggs. I had to sneak up very quietly, while inside of the house, and shoot this through the window.  I hate to disturb her, but every time I open the door, or just make a sound near the door she flies away. I sure hope they all hatch.


  1. Your zendala is so pretty!
    I love the birdsnest in your plant. Thanks for sharing shese pictures.

  2. Your Zendala is fantastic. I so love your work. Keep us posted on your beautiful mama bird and her babies!

  3. oooo my! what a beautiful zendala! Amazing!

  4. That bird wants to move in. I had a hummingbird build right outside my kitchen door one year. The door would just clear the nest! Maybe Beth Cobb knows why birds do this. The eggs multiplying in the nest is very sweet series. As always, the zentangle is beautiful.
