Saturday, October 6, 2012

My ancestors Susanna and William White leaving Holland before their trip on the Mayflower.

Embarkation of the Pilgrims at Delft Haven, Holland, July 22, 1620, by Robert W. Weir. Oil on canvas, 12' x 18.' Located in the Capitol Rotunda. Placed December 21, 1843. In 1836, the United States government commissioned Robert W. Weir to paint The Picture of the Embarkation of the Pilgrims from Delft Haven in Holland "for filling the vacant panels in the rotunda of the Capital" in Washington, D.C. It was one of several large scale (12’ x 18’) paintings chosen to represent significant historical moments leading to the founding of the American Republic. Completed in 1843, it depicts the Pilgrim families gathered around their pastor, John Robinson, for a farewell service on the deck of the Speedwell before its departure from Holland. Weir worked on the Embarkation for over seven years. The left lower couple in the front, kneeling on the deck are depictions of Susanna and William White.

I just found this. I knew my great-great-great (etc,) grandparents came over on the Mayflower but I had no idea they were in a painting and that it is hanging in the Capitol.
Apparently it's also on the back of the U.S. $10,000 bill. I didn't know there was such a thing.

 See more ship lore at


  1. Wow! What a connection from so long ago.

  2. Well, I don't think anyone will beat that this week. What a wonderful historical link to a famous painting.

  3. To have an image of your, that must feel very special!
    You say that the embarkation of the Pilgrims took place at Delft Haven. That may leave the impression they left from the city of Delft but that is not the case. They left from Delfshaven, the spelling is almost the same but that community is now part of Rotterdam, some 10 miles from Delft. The Pilgrimchurch is still there (
    You can look up Delfshaven in Google, it's right on the riverside.

  4. I especially enjoyed seeing that painting because I am currently auditing a course on American art history.

  5. That's a fascinating piece of history, you should run for president! Have you ever visited Leiden?

  6. This is completely amazing! What a treasure to have within your family history!

  7. I'm guessing the artist did not work from a photograph. I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist. It would be interesting to know who the artist did use for models and what their historical lineage was.

  8. A $10,000 bill? Good gracious, I think the US Government should GIVE you one -- after all, your family provided some of the models! What fun to have that in your family history.

  9. What an amazing piece of family history. You'll have to go to see the painting in the rotunda. And carry around a nice color print of the $10,000 bill in your wallet. What a show-stopper!!

  10. She looks just like you! Beth C

  11. I too am related to William & Susanna White. Thank you for posting this information.

  12. Hi Naomi,
    How nice to hear from a fellow ancestor of the Whites.
    How are you related? Or is it too complicated to describe?
    My great grandfather is Jessie Edward White.
    Are you on Ancestry?
