Sunday, October 14, 2012

A bad day for chicken soup

Nancy brought a pot of soup over that she made with my left-over chicken carcass. We were going to have it after she drove me to the eye doctor and we did some shopping.
It was cooking all morning while I was at my art class.
We left for the eye doctor, got a few miles and Nancy remembered that she hadn't turned off the stove. We went back and I ran in and turned it off. We were gone about 3 hours. Came back to a terrible smell. Lifted off the top of the pot to lots of smoke. 
 I'm not very familiar with my stove, as anyone who knows me, knows. But I still can't see how I did this. It must be my cataracts!
The house smelled so bad that we had to cancel our 4:00 social hour with Helen and Beth. It was the one cold day that we couldn't have sat out on the deck....hence the chicken soup.
It's been 4 days and the smell still hasn't gone away.

1 comment:

  1. is that a le cresant pot or however you spell it? Did you save the pot? beth c
