Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Diva challenge # 87-Pinwheels for Peace

Pinwheels for Peace are in honor of International Peace Day- Sept. 21.

I wonder if it means anything that it's also my birthday? I guess I'm pretty peaceful.
And I'm always thinking about peace in the world. Not too hopeful lately, though.

"Why can't we all just get along?" Thank you Rodney King, for leaving us this thought to remember you by.

If only the religions of the world would do what they're supposed to be doing and concentrate on peace instead of some of the silly things they get fixated on.

Here's the link to Pinwheels for Peace
and here's the link for I Am The Diva to see more of this challenge.


  1. Your pinwheel is really beautiful! And .... hope you have a great birthday.

  2. Well happy birthday to you. I like your pinwheel, the tangle on the white piecer ar beautiful.

  3. nice pinwheel - pretty patterns - thoughts about world peace, yeah, i'm with you. not where i want things to be.

  4. You chose great patterns! I think I did the obvious patterns for a pinwheel on mine now :/

  5. I love your pinwheel, so well done!

  6. Very nice pinwheel! I love the pattern you've chosen for the back - what is it? And your strircles is amazing.

  7. lovely. I really like how you have chosen to keep the front pattern consistent, yet used different ones for the inside of the pinwheel.

  8. Your lines are always so amazing! I want to touch the textures!
