Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A little night music

The canyon behind my house is often full of the noise of leaf blowers, power saws, and dogs barking.
Tonight the beautiful sound of Amazing Grace came wafting through the french doors from somewhere down in the valley. I went out to the deck just in time to see this angel fly by. It was amazing!


  1. Those moments are very special, when we get a little sign from God letting us know He is always with us.
    It really happens all the time, but we have to look for it.

  2. Those background sounds are part of what makes a home don't you think? I don't miss the barking dogs but I did love the miscellaneous clatter of life that you hear on the canyon. Amazing grace must have been coming from the cemetery? Love the cloud photo.

  3. Love this post Nancy. Lovely sunset! A painting for sure.
