Thursday, May 24, 2012

C'mon in

 C'mon over for a visit. 
You can come in the front door (although no one ever does).

Or you can come in the side door which leads into the kitchen and the office.

Before you come in check out the bird's nest which is hanging from the eaves of the front porch. It took the birds about 2 weeks to build it. I couldn't imagine what they were doing at first. They were hanging thread-like pieces of something from a grate in the eaves. Now they fly in and out of it and there might be some eggs but it's impossible to see in it because of it's position. I'm told they're finches.

 The French doors open into the kitchen.

 And on the left the messy office. (Nancy at her desk).

With an unused fireplace. Pretty classy to have a fireplace in your office, though.

 Then into the dining room with it's new china cabinet. I took a lot of things to the consignment shop (The Broken Chair) when I moved and couldn't resist buying this while I was there. It was on sale- how could I resist. I think I've made enough on the things that were sold to pay for it. What a good deal.

 A peek into the china cabinet. Mostly Blue Willow which I bought at an estate sale. It was from the estate of Earl Stanley Gardner who wrote the Perry Mason Series. His wife lived in Fallbrook and the estate sale was held after she died.

 The side of the dining room with a painting by my ex-husband and some peacock feathers from the yard of one of my ex-houses. They made a lot of noise (the peacocks- not my ex-husband) but I loved having them around. (the peacocks, not my ex-husband.)

 The second fireplace. A painting by Alene Ahrend hangs over it.

This dog guards the fireplace. It was given to me by my mother because it looked so much like my dog Daphne. (May she rest in peace.)

Tomorrow we'll continue into the living room, if you're still with me.

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