Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sepia Saturday- Celebrating 100 posts. My post-My Uncle Glen

Good old Sepia Saturday! This is their 100th week of posts.

My Uncle Glen almost made it to 100. He died at 99. He was an interesting person who became quite an accomplished artist in his second life, after he retired.

We dedicated one of our books to him.

To see more sepia saturdays click here-


  1. That’s quite something to teach yourself to paint - and so well too- at that age. My 90 year old Dad still paints, and it’s a wonderful hobby to have.

  2. Wonderful. One editorial question, a bit nitpicky. Should it be "Glenn paints in all mediums" or "Glenn paints in all media?" Not sure, really. best,


  3. His self portrait is really good. I like how he left everything but his face unpainted with only lines drawn for shirt, tie, and jacket.

    You said, "We dedicated one of our books to him." What are the titles of your books?

  4. I wondered about the book titles too.

    Your link on Sepia Saturday doesn't bring us to this post. I had to use the blog role on the sidebar to find you this week.

    Glad I did.

  5. Bob and Nancy
    The book is The Ultimate Painting Book, Vol. 2. published by Leisure Arts. I'm not sure how we thought we were "ultimate" enough to do two volumes but we did and they sold pretty well-mostly in stores like Michaels and other craft stores.

  6. A wonderful tribute to our really eccentric uncle. If only he had lived to 100 we could say we had a relative who made it to that milestone. Maybe our 89 year old aunt Kate will make it. She's still going strong.
    Nancy Javier (barbara's little sister)

  7. Hi Bob, I see the mistake I made on Sepia Saturday with Mr. Linky. I fixed it but I wish there was a way to erase the wrong one. Oh, well!

  8. He is absolute proof of the time tested adage "You're never too old to learn"! Good for him. We should all take note!

  9. What an inspiration! Maybe there are things I can still learn too. My mother started learning French in her 60s and now reads French literature effortlessly.

  10. Congratulations on your 100th post. Nice to see your uncle's work. Very nice.

  11. It is not just that he began painting so late in life. It is not just that he was in his eighties or nineties that he produced that work. It is quite excellent artwork at any age. He was a great painter. Thanks for being such a loyal supporter of Sepia Saturday.

  12. His self portrait seems to capture the essence of what you see in the photographs very well, and I presume portrays his personailty too. Thanks for sharing the images.

  13. He Was very Good.....while others his age were losing their sight-He Was Gaining His!

  14. Quite stunning. He could have made a living as a fine illustrator.

  15. It really is a very nice portrait. I like working in that medium.
