Thursday, August 25, 2011

A few of the cats and dogs in our life.

You can lead a dog to water...

Time for the beauty salon!

Living on the edge!

Could you get me the next size up?

The new cat houses are built and ready for occupancy.
 This one is right outside the office.

This one is off my bedroom...

...with a beautiful view. I hope Chloe and Zoe appreciate it.


  1. Hi Nancy and Barbara!
    It's Malary Greenwood!I love your etsy shops! I have a vintage blog I think you'll like at
    It's all things I make or find that are vintage or that I refashion. My mom told me about the garage sale you are going to have. I will DEFINTELY be attending, so don't keep me waiting long!! Hope to hear from you and see you as Followers on my blog!!
    X's and O's

  2. Well, I appreciate the view!
