Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sepia Saturday- Running boards

The theme this week is "running boards".
I posted this photo last year and wrote about the rumble seat. So here it is again, doing double duty as a "running board" photo.

( I just went back to "Sepia Saturday" and noticed that I remembered it wrong. The theme isn't running boards, it's "bumpers". Boy, do I feel dumb!!! Well, this car does have bumpers. )

I'm not sure who the people are. The woman looks like my Aunt Phyllis and the man behind her looks like her husband, my Uncle Glenn. But it also looks like Glenn's brother, Bob. If it's Uncle Bob....shame on her. But maybe Glenn is taking the picture.

I think the man in the front is Jimmie O'Conner, a friend of my father's.  The only thing I know about him is from a picture of him pointing to the lake with a caption that says, "this is where Jimmie fell in the lake. That photo always made my father laugh.


  1. I wouldn't want to ride in a rumble seat.

  2. The occupants look cheerful enough.

  3. That's a wonderful photograph. No doubt you wouldn't be able to ride in a car like that these days - health and safety. Way to travel!

  4. My daughter's dogs would love that rumble seat if we could keep them in it.

  5. Well done on even having a sepia photograph that fits the theme! The happy travellers certainly don’t seem to mind being a bit squashed up next to each other.

  6. bumpers, running boards, whatever!!
    any which way you look at it, they seemed to have fun, and that's all that matters.
    love the photograph, but pity he didn't capture the WHOLE car...
    still, funny!!

  7. I would love to ride in a rumble seat. That looks like a fun outing. I might even like to fall in a lake.

  8. My mother used to tell me about the rumble seats and I always wanted to ride in one. Great shot!

  9. They Look In A Fine Old Mood...A Good Day Out By The Looks Of It!

  10. No's pretty much open to the car.....people and their automobiles and just look how much fun the riders in your photo are having! This is a great take on the theme for SS! Nicely put together too!
