Friday, April 8, 2011

Zentangle weekly challenge #16 Mooka

I put this on Sepia Saturday by mistake. #28 on Mr. Linky is the right one. I'll bet you Sepia Saturday people are wondering "What the heck is a Zentangle. Well now you have a slight idea. If you're interested, leave a comment and I'll tell you more about it.

And you Zentangle folks are probably wondering what Sepia Saturday is.

Maria Thomas (who, along with her husband, Rick, developed Zentangles)  designed and named this "tangle" after Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) the great Art Nouveau artist. You can read more about it here and see how to do it  (The official Zentagle Newsletter- Mooka).
He's one of my favorite artists. When you think Art Nouveau you think Mucha.

 The face is a (slightly doctored) rubber stamp.

 There's just a little bit of "Mooka" on the butterfly's antenna.

To see more go to The Diva's Weekly Challenge


  1. These are all very nicely done! I really like tipple in the background with Mooka too!

  2. All three designs are different, and yet so beautiful! Nicely done!

  3. I especially love your sundial variation. The mooka work beautifully in that setting

  4. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog!
    You have a wonderful style, great designs!

  5. These are all lovely. I think the first is my favorite, although the sun stamp in the second is a nice touch.

  6. I don"t think I have ever before heard of Zentangles...look like lace

  7. This is my first view of Zentangles - they are just beautiful!

  8. Well never heard of Zentangles before this, But I'm loving it, very beautiful work.

  9. Well, your mistake, my gain. These are lovely.

  10. Well, a mistake is a learning opportunity and you've given us all a chance to learn what a zentangle is - and we're all much the richer for it - thank you!
