Friday, March 18, 2011

Bottoms Up- Pub songs for Sepia Saturday

A book of drinking songs from 1933 with drink recipes and toasts. These should come in handy for your next party. Sorry, I don't have room to show you all the songs. I just chose a couple of the funnier ones.


  1. Love it, love it. I am singing the Pig Song to myself as I write this. And Amy the Dog has moced off into another room.

  2. haha...I knew Alan would love this! There are a few beer related sepia posts today just for him! lol.

    This is SO hilarious! I can't imagine how funny they would be if you were buzzed. The pig one is the best...but that corn likker one is pretty funny, too!

  3. How great. It's a complete St. Pat's day do-it-yourself kit.I tried adding hiccoughs but I guess I'm not an expert, so I'll leave them out. Great little songs! I love them both.

  4. I used to like listening to Irish drinking songs on St. Patrick's Day. I totally forgot about listening to Irish music this year. When I saw your post now, I just listened to a couple of songs on my "Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers," but I like the real Irish songs better.

  5. These are fabulous songs - and I notice that the pig song is to be played on the ukelele. Also amusing how well dressed these drinking men are.

  6. The Pig Song is great; shame I'm tone deaf. Some interesting toasts as well.

  7. Oh yes, to have a pig song to sing. I would love that. I need to know what the last line is. You must tell!

  8. The last line is a little hard to figure out--
    "You can tell a man that boozes
    by the company he chooses,
    and the dog-gone pig got up
    and walked away."

    Notice at the top of the page it says "there must be a moral to this."

  9. Absolutely fantastic stuff. I'm going to print out the toasts and take to the pub tomorrow. I wonder, does it have taxi phone numbers on the back page? The men on the front cover appear to be quite refreshed, I do hope it doesn't end in a fight.

  10. LOL think I will be singing this song all day now... Might have to borrower a recipe or two from the page and make a drink as I sing :)

  11. Howard, Did you notice the man drinking out of the trophy cup? There might be a fight if the winner of the cup is in the pub.

  12. That's very funny. I've never seen anyone drinking out of a trophy before. I reckon the drunkard thought it was a trophy won by the landlord's wife for her Yorkshire Terriers in a dog show. However, it is actually the urn used to hold her great-great-grandfather's ashes and mr drunkard has some explaining to do...

  13. i knew Alan would be giddy about all of this when i clicked this open. let's all be merry!!
    and if i see a pig, i now know what to sing to it!!

  14. What a hoot! Your drinking songs go well with the pub theme! I was singing the pig song. Can't remember why I know it but I do.

  15. What a fun post. Like so many others the pig song made a hit with me. It was interesting to read the toasts too. Great fun.

  16. Too funny. I especially liked some of the toasts. I imagine these would be even funnier to someone who's already had several rounds of drinks.

  17. Sounds as if you could have a pretty good party with the booze AND singing too!
