Friday, March 25, 2011

Zentangle weekly challenge #14- I'll walk the line.

The challenge is to do a zentangle using only straight lines.

 To see more go to Diva's weekly challenge

Shepard Fairey and Martin Usborne Art Openings

Megan's friend, Martin, has a photography show in Santa Monica. His opening and Shephard Fairey's (the graffiti artist famous for the Obama poster) were on the same night at the fabulous Bergamot Station in Santa Monica. Martin is a fantastic photographer. His show was called:

Here's a couple of his wonderful photos. I've always loved the image of a dog in a car, especially when they're in the driver's seat. Martin finds it sad. I'm only upset when it's a hot day. Then I go crazy trying to find the owner or putting mean notes on the window.

A lot of people brought their dogs, which seemed appropriate.

 Part of the fun was seeing the fashions.
These girls were in the very long line to get into the Shephard Fairey show.

His artwork was all done as if they were record album covers. I particularly liked that since designing album covers was one of my first jobs.

Here's the buffet table:

Here's the entertainment:
They were a wonderfully costumed heavy metal/mariachi band. I love mariachis, hate heavy metal, but I must admit I liked them. And I love the creativity of the combination.

We could have gotten our pictures taken with them like this guy did. I've been regretting that we didn't ever since.  I would have treasured that picture!

 Before the show we were wandering around and I saw a guy sneak up to a pole and stick a sticker on it. I recognized was Shephard Fairey! I said HI! He turned around and in a really cute sweet voice said HI! and then disappeared, just as he does when he's doing his graffiti. What a thrill.

Here he is posing for pictures and signing autographs. He's so cute and looks about 14 years old.
We had a wonderful time.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bottoms Up- Pub songs for Sepia Saturday

A book of drinking songs from 1933 with drink recipes and toasts. These should come in handy for your next party. Sorry, I don't have room to show you all the songs. I just chose a couple of the funnier ones.

Zentangle Weekly Challenge #13- Non Dominatrix

The challenge was to do the Zentangle ONLY with your non-dominant hand.
I did the whole thing with my left hand but when I went to fill in the solid black areas I just couldn't do it.
So I cheated and filled them in with my right hand, therefore wrecking the whole concept.
I never was much of a dominatrix!

Click on the "Diva's Weekly Challenge" logo on the upper left hand column to see more non- dominatrix Zentangles.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sepia Saturday- Mistake?

Off on the honeymoon- 1958
Mistake?- I'll say!
Time will tell?- That's for sure!
I was 18 years old. What more can I say?

Sepia Saturday is sort of car- themed this time. When I saw the photo that Alan posted I immediately thought of this picture.

It's not the same car or quite the same year but close. I think it's a Buick. It was my parents' car. I remember always being embarrassed by it because it wasn't just two-toned, it was three-toned: black, red and cream. I'm not sure why this was embarrassing but I dreaded having my father pick me up in it.

So here I was going off on my honeymoon in it!  As if the colors weren't embarrassing enough we drove quite a ways with the painted inscriptions on it before my new husband stopped and washed it off. Also someone had put rocks in the hubcaps so people passing by would be sure to notice us.

The marriage lasted about three years. After that I got on with my real life. I wonder what ever happened to that guy.

Click here to see more Sepia Saturday.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A tribute to Artie from Moose

Click on the link in the post below to see a nice tribute to Megan's dog, Artie, by her friend Martin's dog, Moose. While you're there read Moose's blog. You'll love it.

Rest in peace, Artie

Artie drove across country with Nancy and Megan last year. 

Artie and Megan were planning on moving here from New York. That plan didn't work out so Artie stayed here with Nancy while Megan flew back to make further plans. He wasn't expected to live very much longer. He had several health problems, among them being blind and deaf. He got along pretty well, though, but had a diminished quality of life.

Nancy's dog, Tootie wasn't very welcoming but she tolerated him. They made their peace with each other.

Artie settled in and came to the office with Nancy and Tootie every day, where he had his own special pillow and plenty of treats.

Sometimes he slept in Tootie's bed with Tootie's favorite toy. Usually she didn't get mad.

They sometimes went on walks together while Artie was still able.

He loved the water.

 Sometimes he could be naughty. He may have been blind and deaf but he still had an excellent sense of smell. He noticed that there were some dog bones in this bag of groceries.

 He appreciated art. But sometimes it just put him to sleep.

He often took time to smell the daisies.

Nancy took very good care of Artie and his favorite sleeping place was in her lap.

 Or under a colorful fleece blanket.
Artie died a couple of weeks ago. 
This is how I picture him in "Doggie Heaven".

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Zentangle challenge #11

The challenge was called "Monotangle" because you're supposed to use only one type of tangle for the whole design. I really enjoyed it and did several.
I think I like this one best but here are several more.