Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sepia Saturday- Gilda Gray "The Shimmy Queen" or Gilda Gray "Wanna Be" ?

I usually prefer to read about people's real families in the Sepia Saturday posts but sometimes you find some "non-family" photos that are too good not to share. These were in our huge cache of old photos. They are in an envelope that says :
San Francisco Fair '39
Most of photos after end of July 1939
(Last ride in Buick Road.)
After return from SLC

Gilda Gray is famous for inventing "The Shimmy" and was a film star in the '20s -'30s.

The lady in the envelope
The real Gilda Gray (from the internet)
She criticizes herself and the photographer: PHOTOGRAPHER ! Wasted space and other hand & fern stand cut off.  To herself: Front hand turned up & elbow slightly bent or just as is.

On the back: Shallon,  Nautch Oriental (I looked this up and it's an type of dance), South Sea, Gilda Gray Hula, Beautiful Costumes.
My face gives it away but I tried to give the interpretation of Oriental & Queenly: Dignity, Charm, Poise, Height, and to look Older.
Beware of slanting camera.  Should have stood EXACTLY BETWEEN SETTING OBJECTS.
THE SPIRIT OF YOUTH: Left arm shoulda have been straight- horizontal. Right knee shoulda been held higher.

To see more Sepia Saturdays click here


  1. I would invite Gilda to any party I might have. Everyone would be sure to have a good time - and before you know it, they'd all be posing with arms and legs in the air. I don't suppose she's still around.

  2. What a fabulous collection of images. I love all old images - they seem to say so much about the world that was - that whether it is a family member or just a random image, it is just as welcome.

  3. it would have been the photographer's job to direct the model for the proper pose, instead of leaving her guessing...

  4. These photos make me laugh. Looking at them from 2011, they seem so unnatural, so posed. I especially enjoyed reading her evaluations. Fun!
