Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sepia Saturday- Annis Hawkins White

Rhoda Jane White
This is my 3rd great grandmother on my mother's side. Isn't this a fabulous coach? I don't know anything about this picture and very little about her. Does anyone know anything about this type of carriage?  I wonder if it belonged to her or was used for some special occasion- like a funeral.

She was born in Bridgewater, Windsor, Vermont(1805) and died in Sublette, Illinois.(1872).

See other Sepia Saturday posts here.


  1. Sadly I know very little about coaches - but I am sure that fellow Sepias might have some expertise. But I do know a great Sepia Sat photograph when I see one, and that is one.

  2. With hard tyres like that the carriage would need to be well sprung. Great picture for so long ago.

  3. It is a wonderful coach. It reminds me of what we would call a taxi but I am not of any authority on any of this. I too really like the picture of the coach.

  4. looks like a brougham. which is described here as a taxi type carriage. thanks for the opportunity to learn more about carriages.

  5. What a photo! A beautiful carriage with a driver high in the front, and your sweet grandmother's face peering through the window. Perfect! Aren't you glad someone had the forethought to take this photograph?!

  6. I know nothing about coaches but that is a wonderful photo...I'd have that one enlarged and framed and displayed! I'm not posting to Sepia this week but enjoying reading all...

  7. i know nothing about the topic but i like the drama of this photograph.

  8. I agree with everyone else ... wonderful photo! What a treasure! I hope you're able to find out more about her.
