Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Art-filled Fall lunch at Connie's house

Connie invited us to her charming art-filled house for a pot-luck lunch.
The beauty started at the front door which was decorated with delicate glass beads.

A niche in the entryway.

The table was decorated with a Fall theme and a gift of home-made peach jam was at each plate.

Nancy sits below one of the paintings from Connie's wonderful art collection.

Jean didn't feel well after catching a cold from her grandchild. She was afraid she would infect us all so stood at the door with her salad and had to be persuaded to come in. As far as I know none of us caught the cold.  We were so glad she decided to stay.

In the background you can just barely see some of Connie's amazing Mexican folk art collection.
 I wish I had taken pictures of each and every piece but somehow got none of it. I'll have to go back for a photo session.

Nancy Kreile listens carefully. 

After lunch we toured the lovely garden.

A beautifully decorated wall in the garden.

A piece of Mexican wrought iron hangs on another wall.

 Back inside and a beautiful painting by a Mexican artist.

Even Connie's cat fit in with the decor.

The rest of the group consisted of Connie and I. I didn't get a good picture of either of us.

A wonderful time was had by all. 


  1. Connie Has Some Beautiful Treasures.

  2. It looks like a beautiful place to be invited. She does have nice things that make it so great to enjoy.
