Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Went To A Garden Party

A potluck garden party in Nancy Kreile's beautiful garden.
The pretty table setting, with a gift of lavender for each of us.

Nancy Kreile, Jean Hester, Connie Forest.
Also attending, Peggy Kesterson, Nancy Javier and I.

After lunch, a tour of Nancy's very cute house. I was talking too much and didn't take enough photos.
This headboard was painted on the wall by Nancy's talented mother, Anne. 

One of Nancy's photographs. It's hard to tell from my photo but it's Nancy's cat's paw peeking out of the bedcovers.  Nancy is a wonderful photographer. 
I wish I had taken more pictures because Nancy's house was so pretty and she had so many interesting things.

 The beautiful garden.

Nancy J. and Connie in the back country.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful garden. The headboard is really spectacular...great idea.
