Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sepia Saturday- The Horsewoman

Me and my horse, Becky.

My mother had written on the back of this picture; "The Horsewoman" with an exclamation point.

When we moved to California from Chicago my mother immediately signed us up for horseback riding lessons. I guess she figured that's what you were supposed to do when you got to the West. We were, of course, thrilled. We lived in San Diego at the time (about 1950). For some reason we were taught "English" style.  However, when we moved to Pomona I got a horse and it came with a western saddle. I don't remember if this caused any problems. I often rode bareback.

There was a pasture near our house where you could pay to keep your horse.  My girlfriend, Linda, also had a horse and we usually rode together.  We learned to do tricks and had a lot of fun. The rest of the family hardly ever rode. When I got to high school, unfortunately, I lost interest. This seems to be common with young girls and horses. Linda never lost interest, though and still has a horse.

After a while the horse was sold. I still feel guilty about this. I love animals so much that I can't imagine letting this happen. I think I got more interested in boys than horses.


  1. Becky is a beautiful horse. It's sad you had to give her up but then, horses require lots more care than, say, a dog or cat.

    I think you're right about the teen years. I had two friends who had horses in grade and middle school and passed them on during high school.

    I like the shadows on both of these photos.

  2. It is tough to give up animals but you had a wonderful time being the horsewoman for a while anyway. The two pictures are wonderful.

  3. These are lovely photos to have and hold wonderful memories; yes it is quite common for teenage girls to lose interest in their childhood things as their world starts to open up.

  4. Very interesting post. Lucky you to have a horse at that age when girls seem to love horses. Did you read all the horse books at that time too..Black Beauty etc? My sister and I had a horse at that age too and loved to ride bareback.

  5. Beautiful photos. And don't feel guilty; interests change, especially when we're young, and horses really can't be a casual interest. I'm sure whoever bought her gave her all the loving care and attention she needed.

  6. Becky was a fine looking horse. How wonderful that you have these photographic memories of her.
    P.S. I love the shadows in both photos.

  7. Lucky you to have had Becky, and lucky Becky to have had you.
    Yes, lovely shadows in both photos.

    Alberta, Canada

  8. bareback!!
    you were a natural!!!!
    and you let it all go?...
    oh well...
    poor becky!!
    there will always be boys!!
    but only one becky................

  9. I did not know you were a Horsewoman! So fun to see these photos. Becky looked like a fine strong horse. She looks tall too.
