Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sepia Saturday-Happy Father's Day

He was a wonderful father and he really loved his kids.

The first photo is on the porch of our house in Chicago.  We had always lived in rented places and my mother had to work hard to convince him to buy a house. He was a notorious skinflint but he could be convinced when it was for his children.
The house was in a brand new housing development on the far south side. I think it was the first  housing tract in Chicago. It was very near a steel mill. The sky lit up red on the nights that they dumped the molten steel. We thought that was great.

The second photo is on one of our family vacations. My mother probably had a hard time convincing him to spend money on vacations, also.  On the back of this it says "Below Lover's Leap, Rock City, Tenn.  Aug. 1950." I wonder why we have coats on in August.

We moved to California later in 1950, first to San Diego and then to Pomona. While in Calif. We often went camping. I especially remember wonderful trips to Yosemite.

He only lived seven more years. He was 42 years old when he died.

Gilbert Finwall 1915-1957

Click here to see more Sepia Saturdays


  1. What a handsome man, and so proud of his children. The post is a beautiful tribute to him.

    I love researching at BPL. There are so many quiet nooks and crannies one can find to concentrate.

    The Red Sox honored the Ebersols young son Teddy, who died in a plane crash, with several baseball fields named in his honor.

    Thanks for the nice comments on my blog.

  2. Your father was really handsome. How sad that he died so young. I'd love to hear about those camping likely have some excellent stories to tell.

  3. 'He was a wonderful father and he really loved his kids.' That opening line says it all.

    Your father has the look of a loving, family man. So sorry to hear that he passed away in his prime. Cherish those memories.

  4. So happy memories and so sad too.
    It is incredible fine to read these stories and see those old photos and find out, how much same things exist in the different circumstances, feelings, loving families . . .

  5. He really was handsome. I can really see the resemblance in you, my mom and Bob. I'm sorry I never got to meet him.
