Monday, June 28, 2010

Lost Turtle Update

Nancy and I drove the turtle to Claremont (about a half hour away). The man that I talked to last night at the turtle rescue place told me to put it in a box with newspapers on the bottom and on the top of the turtle, and then put some scrunched up ones on top of that. That seemed to calm it down. Before that it was really bouncing off the walls. And most of the walls in the enclosed patio where I put it were glass.
At one point it even turned itself upside down which I've heard can be fatal since they can't right themselves. Luckily I was there to save it.

Before I found the turtle society (thanks to Kathy) I started calling everyone near where I found the turtle (thanks to Fallbrook's reverse directory). I had some interesting conversations. I thought it might have been a pet and someone would be looking for it. One of the ladies I talked to said she found a turtle while walking on the golf course, which is right near here. She took it to the office and they told her that a lot of turtles live in the pond and come out once a year to lay eggs. She took it to the pond. The pond in the golf course is about 3 blocks away from where I found it.  I suppose it could have walked that far,  given time.  It also had to cross a busy road. 

I asked the turtle rescuer if I should take it back to the pond and he said it might try to cross the road again and was also in danger from coyotes.  I thought it's shell would protect it but I guess not.

So here I am at the turtle rescuers house. He told me they might not be home and to put it in the plastic container on his porch. He said he wouldn't be gone long. I was sad to just leave it there. I think he'll take good care of it and even maybe find it a great new home. 

This is his doorbell. I think he's pretty dedicated to turtles.

We then went out for a great breakfast. All's well that ends well.

 We saw this beautifully/horribly painted van on the way home.

By the way the name of the turtle society is San Diego Turtle & Tortoise Society
I, also just read a little more about turtles and it said to never return them to the wild so I feel better about what I did.

FOUND- TURTLE ( Red Eared Slider)

While driving with my friend, Kathy, yesterday we noticed a large turtle slowly crossing the road. It was a fairly busy road. We knew we had to save it. Kathy turned around and we rushed back and I picked up the turtle and got in the car. Kathy knew a slight bit about turtles. Enough to say "when they're scared they tend to pee." Just then the turtle let loose with what must have been a week's worth- all over me and the car.  Of course, that got us laughing hysterically.
The turtle is about 12" long.

More later. I'm on my way now to the Turtle Rescue Society in San Diego.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Another L.A. jaunt

Outdoor restaurant in Ferndell, Griffith Park:
 The best thing about outdoor dining is that dogs are allowed.

Nancy thought that this guy looked like someone on T.V.  She didn't recognize the girl but when we got home she researched them and I guess if we were younger and more with-it we would have recognized them. He's  Dax Shepard of Parenthood and she's Kristen Bell of Veronica Mars, When In Rome, Couples Retreat, etc. Apparently they recently got married. They had their two little rescued dogs with them. We had a short conversation about the dogs. They had a scrabble board with them and spent most of the time playing that.

Their dogs.

Then we went to a flea market at Fairfax High School.

These were teeny tiny shoes that Nancy wanted for her shoe collection but was feeling too cheap to buy. They were only $10. 

There were lots of dogs but none quite as cute as these. And none riding so elegantly.

I sure hope they made it home.

Three dogs in a stroller is at least one too many.


Everybody needs a pink guitar!

Male escort for sale.

From the sublime to the ridiculous.

We had a great time even though we kept ourselves from buying anything. We're desperately trying to get rid of things. We should never be allowed to go to flea markets, garage sales, etc.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sepia Saturday-Happy Father's Day

He was a wonderful father and he really loved his kids.

The first photo is on the porch of our house in Chicago.  We had always lived in rented places and my mother had to work hard to convince him to buy a house. He was a notorious skinflint but he could be convinced when it was for his children.
The house was in a brand new housing development on the far south side. I think it was the first  housing tract in Chicago. It was very near a steel mill. The sky lit up red on the nights that they dumped the molten steel. We thought that was great.

The second photo is on one of our family vacations. My mother probably had a hard time convincing him to spend money on vacations, also.  On the back of this it says "Below Lover's Leap, Rock City, Tenn.  Aug. 1950." I wonder why we have coats on in August.

We moved to California later in 1950, first to San Diego and then to Pomona. While in Calif. We often went camping. I especially remember wonderful trips to Yosemite.

He only lived seven more years. He was 42 years old when he died.

Gilbert Finwall 1915-1957

Click here to see more Sepia Saturdays

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rumble seats, cont.

Here's the rumble seat photo I posted on the last Sepia Saturday.  I don't know much about it other than they are friends of my mother. The guy on the left looks a little like my Uncle Bob. (this would have been before he was my uncle because I wasn't born yet). The girl looks like my Aunt Phyllis. She was married to my Uncle Glenn. I don't know who the other guy is. The car pictured below shows what it would look like if it was shined up. I don't think it's the same kind of car, though.

So who invented the rumble seat? It was Sir Hubert Malcolm Rhumble, a prominent carriage designer of England’s late 1800s. He designed a coachman’s seat that stuck in the car lexicon, according to the Automobilist Magazine in August 1958. In early vintage automobiles the trunk lid folded back to form a seat area, sometimes called a “mother-in-law” seat. In that era, it must have been the stuff of some pretty good jokes.

 Silver screen stars James Cagney and Joan Blondell, fresh on the publicity trail with a flim-flam 1931 comedy, “Blonde Crazy,” joined Mae Madison in the a ’31 Model A Deluxe Roadster with a rag top and an add-on rumble seat sustaining the momentum of this odd conveyance. This was styling personified.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Antiques Road Show- San Diego

You stand in long lines. (but it's not so bad when you can look at Mr. Happy).

You could eat your lunch. (while sitting in your own form of comfortable transportation)

Another form of transportation.

Some people were lugging big, heavy things.

Another place to sit while waiting- or to hold your purse.

The best seat in the house- from Hearst's Castle- or so she says. She brought it all the way from San Luis Obispo. (about a 3 or 4 hour drive)

This is what I brought. An early California painting by E.D. Horsky (1884-1965). He was famous for his California landscape paintings but more famous for his paintings of Native Americans. If it had been one of them it would have been worth more. This one is worth about $1200, which I already knew. The appraiser looked it up on her computer just like I did at home. I thought she might have some new insights or some new information that it was worth a fortune. I waited all that time in line to find out what I already knew! 
I bought this at a garage sale about 30 years ago and probably didn't pay more than $25.  I didn't know at the time that it was by a recognized artist. It needs a new frame.

You could only bring two things to be appraised so this is my second masterpiece. I bought this in Paris about 40 yrs. ago and probably didn't pay much for it because the candle holders have been cut off. I don't know why I bought it. It must have been heavy to lug it was while standing in line. It is by a recognized sculptor named C. Bonnefond. I thought it might be worth something even though it wasn't all there but, alas, the appraiser said it might be a good place to display necklaces.

Nancy had the winner- an autographed Bob Dylan book worth from $1200- 1500.
She bought it at a garage sale for ONE DOLLAR.
She had never been able to find out what it was worth until now.
Her story about it is worth another post, which she'll do tomorrow.

Afterwards, we had an early dinner overlooking the ocean.

Then we walked around outside by the bay. This is a gigantic statue of that famous WW2 photo. The people standing on the side are right next to it. That's how big it is!  In the background is the USS Midway complete with airplanes and helicopters on it's deck. You can take tours of it. We didn't do it this time but will someday soon.

Then we watched tourists getting their pictures taken with statues of G.I.s who are listening to a performance by Bob Hope. His statue is in the foreground. It's complete with a recording of the performance. 

Finally we walked around looking at the boats in the harbor. 
USS Midway...big deal! Here's one named Nancy.

The end of a tiring but fun day. Thanks, Diane for giving us the tickets to the Roadshow.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I'm not sure if this is in Dixon, Ill. or Chicago. 
I'm rushing off to the Antique Road Show in San Diego this morning so don't have time to describe this photo. More later...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010



I saw this shadow of myself on a pot at a garden store, so decided to wave hello to you all.

Go to Shadow Shot Sunday to see more.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Negative space is white.

I've been completely obsessed with this new "art form" called Zentangles. It was developed by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. It's like painting with patterns instead of colors.  It's supposed to put you in a zen-like state, hence the name.  It's beginning to get a lot of followers and they even have "certified" teachers all over the U.S. (and maybe in some other countries). If you're interested check it out at

If you're interested in seeing more of my zentangles go to

For more white things go to Theme Thursday

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Enough said!